
Monday 18 September 2017

pride in achievement

what does pride in achievement mean  what are you proud  of in your life so far 
how will you show your pride this week

Thursday 14 September 2017

Duffy Assembly

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Yesterday some dude named Scott Tulloch came to our school. I wasn't there! - I missed out, but I had to to do this silly blogpost anyway!

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Friday 8 September 2017

 I am excited about... having a green room to film inThereś more spaces for the kids and they work with different teachers. They can work in the green, purple, blue or yellow room.

Iḿ worried that people are just going to be naughty, people annoying people.

TO make sure I am living the fish philosphy, Iḿ going to fold my hands when Iḿ sitting.