
Thursday 2 November 2017

isa car cool   fast 123  cool

Monday 18 September 2017

pride in achievement

what does pride in achievement mean  what are you proud  of in your life so far 
how will you show your pride this week

Thursday 14 September 2017

Duffy Assembly

Related image
Yesterday some dude named Scott Tulloch came to our school. I wasn't there! - I missed out, but I had to to do this silly blogpost anyway!

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Friday 8 September 2017

 I am excited about... having a green room to film inThereś more spaces for the kids and they work with different teachers. They can work in the green, purple, blue or yellow room.

Iḿ worried that people are just going to be naughty, people annoying people.

TO make sure I am living the fish philosphy, Iḿ going to fold my hands when Iḿ sitting.

Thursday 17 August 2017

My writing

My writing is awesome and cool and I am trying to improve my writing by adding some paragraphs.
Here is one of my old writing that I was thinking That I need to improve.

I've put somethings wrong in the wrong places.
Now I am going to show you one of my good writing.
Mum made the children a cup of hot chocolate. Danny and Ella ran to the trampoline. The nurse put a plaster cast on Ella’s arm.Danny jumped up high and landed on Ella’s arm.Mum drove Ella and Danny to the hospital.
I really liked this writing because it makes sense and i have used punctuation for this.

Monday 14 August 2017


Image result for winter gif

Thursday 22 June 2017


i counted up to 100 by filling in the missing numbers.  I did before and after numbers within 100.  I was 10 right in my mad minute before that 6 was my best.  I have been using Mathletics and extra maths.  I dud a colour by numbers tractor, using addition and subtraction,

Wednesday 31 May 2017

values 2017

hi guys im back with a blog post this is flexible thinking 

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Can you guess what is important to me?

How to play JENGA
It is fun to play the gomes


54 wooden blocks

2 to  10 players

Build a big tower

Take one block a time.

If the tower falls down you lose

Monday 6 March 2017


Learning Styles

My learning styles. 

My top three are:

Interpersonal - Doing my own work

Linguistic - Talking about things

Bodily Kinestintic. -Doing things

Wednesday 1 March 2017


Stinky fish &fresh fish
Today we learnt about stinky and fresh fish what they mean is Stinky fish is things that hinder my writing and fresh fish means things that help my learning.

Monday 27 February 2017


Blue and Yellow Flame Painting

We had a fire at home, in our oven, when we were baking hash browns one day.
When we opened the door of the oven a flame  shot out .

The flame shot and went up the wall.My cousin rang the fire brigade .
I was told to go outside while my big uncle put some salt on the fire.
It went out straight away.
We didn’t need the fire brigade as the fire was out.They went back to the station.

Thursday 23 February 2017

My New School

Hi.  My name is Shade.  I am new to Gilberthorpe School.